

Elise is a passionate Salesforce data expert. 

Throughout Elise’s 15 years in the Salesforce ecosystem, her favorite thing to do is help new Salesforce customers successfully transition from their previous CRM onto Salesforce.

Data migration can be the scariest part of an implementation (for both the client AND the partner) but she makes it fun and enjoys the whole process from kickoff to deployment.

Her expertise as a Solution Architect enables her to design new and redesign existing Salesforce environments to streamline business processes and increase user adoption.

As an experienced Business Analyst, she specializes in simplifying complex technical concepts when guiding her clients through the process of deploying new tools and technology.

Elise is passionate about solving challenging data issues and building long term relationships with her clients. She is 8X Salesforce certified. 


(She wrote this herself and feels very uncomfortable speaking in 3rd person.)

Elise loves to travel and has a massive bucket list of places to see and things to experience. She drags her husband and 3 daughters on as many trips as they can handle. Most recently, they ate croissants in Paris, visited Mannekin Pis in Brussels, overnighted in a 1000 year old castle in the Netherlands, drank hot spiced wine at a medieval German Christmas market, and watched Santa fly above Lake Geneva in Switzerland.